Friday 24 June 2011

Yuk! You'll get Conjunctivitis.

Picture this: It's Friday evening, about 6-6.30pm and most people have left their offices and are going for a pre-weekend cocktail with friends. However, to kill time they pop into their nearest department to peruse the cosmetic counters.

20 secs (remember the mystery shopper) later we check that they need any help as they begin to try different colours of concealers on their hands, but they inform us they are just looking! No problem, we carry on with what we were doing. 
5 mins later, they are still stood there, this time "just looking" at the eyeshadows, as they put them on their eye lids. Oh, here comes the mascara....... oh lovely, using the mascara wand straight on their lashes! Not a thought as to where else this wand may have been. 

We know what you're doing, we think to ourselves as they pick up the bronzer brush that 30 people have already picked up that day and played with (we have separate brushes for makeovers behind the counter for hygiene reasons) and they put it in the bronzers and on it goes! Finally, they pick up the lipgloss, and at this point we're shouting inside our head "no, don't do it" as they remove the wand and slap it across their lips! GROSS!!!!! 

The most amusing thing is they proceed to pull out their hand sanitizer and clean their hands! Oh lovely, you don't want dirty hands but cold sores and conjunctivis are fine!

If you really want to touch up your makeup before you go out please don't bother pretending you're "just looking"! We know! We see you every Friday at the same time, or at least others like you.  I'd rather you just said, do you mind popping a little makeup on me. At least, we'll be a little more hygienic with it!


  1. this is so true! I don't work on a counter, but I hate watching people use all the make up - it's disgusting! btw i love your blog, it's so entertaining :) xx

  2. Ewww thats why I will only swatch on my hand at most if I am only looking, then wash as soon as possible.

    Ms Red


  3. Thanks for your comments guys. Writing the blog is definitely cheaper than therapy! xx
